Thursday, February 5, 2015

Holey Vintage Linens

This post really is about vintage linens that have holes, and not sacred, holy linens.  They are so plentiful when thrifting, you can usually purchase them for $1 or less.  But why would you even want to if they have holes?

My thinking is I can always cut them down to make a pillow or Christmas stocking, etc., but they can also be repaired and given a new life.  Like this tablecloth.  It had about 10 holes here and there, and was not in very good shape.  It had such a pretty pattern though, it was worth a try.

Rather than stitching the holes, which seems to make the repairs more obvious, I like to use this glue.

I cut apart bridal appliques' following the lines to get small, but complete, designs, and glue them over the holes.  The glue is permanent, washable, and flexible, so it is perfect for repairing a tablecloth this way. 

Of course it is not a perfect design match, but the patch blends well enough.  In fact, I had to really look to find one to take a picture of.

       Not too sha...........well, actually, just the right amount of shabby!


  1. Haha - "Just the right amount of shabby" ;) Cute! And, indeed, it is.

    1. Thanks, Angela. I'm so much more at home with some shabby than perfection. Hugs.
